Hoover Arts Alliance and Bluff Park Art Association award 2021 scholarships
The Hoover Arts Alliance and Bluff Park Art Association in May presented scholarships to three students from Hoover schools based on their artistic talent. From left are Bluff Park Art Association Scholarhip Committee Chairwoman Winnie Cooper, Spain Park High School 2021 graduates Mekenzie Richardson and Tahj Peeples, Hoover Arts Alliance President Carolyn Kolar and Hoover High School 2021 graduate Abigail Collins.
Reposted from Hoover Sun
by Jon Anderson
The Hoover Arts Alliance and Bluff Park Art Association joined together recently to provide three high school students from Hoover with college scholarships due to their talent with artwork.
The Hoover Arts Alliance awarded three $1,000 scholarships to:
► Abigail Collins, a 2021 graduate of Hoover High School who will be attending Auburn University, majoring in architecture
► Tahj Peeples, a 2021 Spain Park High School graduate who will be attending the University of Alabama, majoring in communications media
► Mekenzie Richardson, a 2021 graduate of Spain Park who will be attending the University of South Alabama, majoring in nursing
The Bluff Park Art Association gave a $2,500 scholarship to Collins.
The two groups held a joint reception at the Hoover-Randle Home and Gardens to present the scholarships.
All three students submitted several pieces of work for judging, said Winnie Cooper, chairwoman of the Hoover Arts Alliance scholarship committee.